Custom AV Systems for Exhibits and Events • 714-850-1008

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    The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation.

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    Beckman Coulter and Muse Tackle Challenges at CLE 2022

    Tradeshows are an amazing way to bring product in front of new potential clients, but exhibitors can be limited by available floorspace and complex products. Beckman Coulter addressed this challenge with Muse and Derse at the 2022 AACC Clinical Lab Expo in Chicago by utilizing tight pitch high resolution LED video walls and interactive show control media playback. Muse provided high resolution rental LED panels for both floor mounted video walls, smooth curving video walls, and hanging curved video walls. Media playback was controlled via a Watchout show control media server and Barco e2 signal routing. An iPad allowed presenters to pause and restart a video loop demoing the capabilities of Beckman Coulter's latest component in a vast clinical lab system.
    Muse also provided a number of displays and touchscreens at an offsite Innovation Suite, and looks forward to helping Beckman Coulter make an impression at their next event!

    What Client Says?

    Having worked in the tradeshow industry for more than 20 years, there is no job I couldn't trust in the hands of the professional team at MPT. Having them on my team is like having your big brother looking out for you.

    – Debbi Kemp

    Muse always comes through. I know that when I use MPT for my A/V needs, that's one less thing I need to think about on the show floor.

    – Doug Atwood

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